ALOO PARATHA. How to make aloo paratha

One of the most popular paratha from Punjab holds now a very special place in many Bengali’s hearts. Paratha or Indian style flat bread is a very common Indian style breakfast. There are various types of paratha. It can be stuffed or plain. There is no dearth of vegetable for making a paratha. Here I…


Have you ever faced unexpected guest at your home?? It happens right. You are all done, and all of a sudden door bell rings. And a smiling face behind it says “HI”. What to do in that time? You can’t shoo away someone who came all the way to greet you. Neither can you let…


It is a simple homely spiced rice recipe, where you can even use cooked rice. It is very easy rice recipe. Not only for lunch, dinner, it is a perfect recipe for tiffin as well. Preparation time -15 mins Cooking time -20 mins Total time – 35 mins INGREDIENTS. A] Rice- 1 bowl. B] Bhindi…


Khichdi or Khichudi as we say in Bengali is a typical Indian dish made from rice and lentils. There are many ways to cook khichudi. You can make it using moong dal and rice and only jeera or cumin seeds as spices. This one is one of the vegetarian version of cooking khichudi. Also you…


An easy and delicious recipe which is very popular during the NAVRATRI FESTIVAL. It is a must try for all pumpkin lovers. This recipe does not require much ingredients. PREPARATION TIME-10 MINS COOKING TIME-2O MINS TOTAL TIME -30 MINS Ingredients. A} Pumpkin pieces. B} Coriander powder -1 tsp. C} Paanchphoron -1/2 tsp. D}Turmeric powder –…